Saturday, July 13, 2019

Dating on Vacation

Here are FOUR quick ways to date while on vacation. We have always had a date day when we go on our family vacations. I mean...face it, most couples on family vacation could use a day away from the kids right? Our boys know our routine by now. They used to get jealous about our adventures, but our marriage is a priority and they needed to know that.

This year we had a staycation and while our boys had a camp day, we took time for ourselves. It didn't take much to make it happen and some of our social media friends were impressed, so we thought we would share about how to make your next vacation date amazing!

There are four things that we do consistently in dating (whether we are on vacation or not).

1. Make a plan.

2. Keep it simple.

3. Do something you both love.

4. Make it memorable.

Make a Plan

We are definitely planners. Maurice was raised an only child and Anita is a first-born, so planning is a thing for us. It helps to know about what day, time and activity is available in the location where you will be. There is nothing like looking forward to an event that is cancelled or a restaurant that is closed! However, perhaps part of your dating adventure is spontaneity. Just be sure that you both are guaranteed a great time and that all planning is done well in advance!

Keep it Simple

We like to make a list of what we would like to do AND a back-up plan of extra activities that we might do. This is a stress-reliever and a good way to simplify overthinking this whole thing. We have usually picked a few places to eat, where to shop (because one of us like to do that) and a few "must dos". You do not always have to go small either. Our vacation dates are more elaborate because....hello...we are on vacation, so that leads back to planning of course!

Love it

Mutual fun is the best fun. We like to play games, watch movies, enjoy parks, do taste-testings or cook together, take walks, do sports and a host of other things. You will want to discuss this in advance , of course, and keep a running list of options. We also like to try new things together for the first time.

Make it Memorable

Whatever you do, make it memorable. You may want to surprise each other with gifts or take a couple photoshoot for fun. Part of the experience is to get those "first date vibes" back. Do all the things that you would do on a first date. Be the gentleman. Ladies, dress a little nicer and smell great! The possibilities to make your date memorable are limitless. Do some activities that you will be talking about for months later....we did!


  1. These are excellent tips no matter where you are. Unless it's a super special surprise, I always have the date planned out with my girlfriend so that we both have as much fun as possible.

  2. Amazing tips and very very simple to follow, love them!!! I love the idea of keeping it simple which i usually don't do lol.

  3. Keep it simple is the key, there is no need to make it too fancy. Its the heart that count after all.

    1. Exactly! After you have been married for a while, simple is where it's at!

  4. Aww this is lovely , I agree keeping things simple as your there for one another. Great tips

  5. TI love these tips no matter where you are. My husband always has the date planned out and it always works out just fine and so much fun.

  6. I love this article, always gives me little bit of sense what I need to do and be prepared for Thanks!

  7. Ooooo fabulous tips!!! I’m all about dating my hubby wherever we are :):)

  8. These are some nice and easy tips for those couples looking to rekindle their relationship while on vacation. I love meeting new people while traveling and sharing my thoughts.

  9. Dating while on vacation is so much fun! Great way to catch up and spend time together.


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