When we set our hearts to be obedient to the Lord, the joy comes. God knows the intent of our hearts, so when our minds are made up to make disciples, we are empowered to do it! Just knowing that we are pleasing God should bring smiles to our faces if we are disciples are Christ. Here are three reasons why!
Ambassadors of Christ Jesus are Joyful.
Those who are sent into this world as a representative of Christ have a high and holy calling. It is not to be taken lightly at all. It is a joy and a privilege to serve the One great King. To be His servant is an honor. The goal of ambassadorship is to reconcile others to the Kingdom of God. God has predestined those who will bring Him glory and follow what He has instructed. We were made for this!
Joy is found in Truth
In 3 John 1:4, John states that he finds no greater joy than to see his children walking in truth. When we make disciples we are sharing in their salvation from sin, their reconciliation to the Father and their new mission to follow after Christ themselves. There is no joy in falsehood, no lasting happiness in lies. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Knowing Him and drawing others to him is the most joyful of human experiences.
Disciplemaking is Fulfilling
As God's children pour out in ministry to others, the most amazing thing happens. Our joy becomes FULL. This is no partial joyful experience, but an overflow of gratefulness that defies circumstances. it ruins all other levels of joy you have ever known because this joy is unending.
Obeying the last command of Christ fills believers and adds fullness to an otherwise empty life. It is the mandate, the reason and the epitome of one's goals and hopes. You cannot get better than that.
If you want to embrace this type of lifestyle, it begins by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour. You cannot please the Lord otherwise. Your sin blocks the way and you cannot lead others to a God you do not have a relationship with.
Once you know Jesus for yourself, you must actually follow Him. He instructs his disciples to confess their sins and to be publicly baptized as a sign of their faith. It does not save you, it tells others that you are saved and unashamed of that decision to identify with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Then join a body of believers that are passionate to obey Jesus' last command to make disciples. Ask Him to empower you to disciple others and joy will come.
I really enjoyed reading this article. I just wrote a bunch of the fruits of the Spirit and it is nice to see other's input on these things!
ReplyDeletePraise God!! We appreciate you reading!