Sunday, April 28, 2019

Three ways to EnJOY Life

Life is rich. We need to take the time to enjoy it, but what does enjoyment for the christian look like? Yes, I am really asking. When I was not in the Kingdom of God, my enjoyment came from vices and sin. the fun came from not being caught. It was fun to push limits and to join in with the risky activity of our so-called friends right? So first of all, let's be honest. It was enjoyable and made us temporarily happy. However, you may also have heard that happiness and joy are not the same.

The Bible tells us that Jesus came to give us life, and that more abundantly. The joy that we can experience in Christ is found in the gifts that the Holy Spirt imparts when we receive Him. In Galatians 6, we see that joy is in a list of fruit. So like any fruit, it will need to be nurtured and tended to in order to grow the way that it should. There are three key factors to knowing and experiencing true joy.

First, no one can know real joy apart from Christ. Without a real relationship with God, joy will escape you since it is not based on circumstances. For example, Jesus endured the cross....the cross now!...for the JOY that would follow afterwards. I cannot imagine having torture in my future and even thinking about joy at the same time, but Jesus did. How?

Your physical body longs to protect itself and so does your mind. We put up barriers to assure our own safety all the time. It is a good thing. However, walking in the spirit makes us weak and prone to hurt and harm. Jesus actually says to take up your own cross and to follow Him! That is not an easy road. To help an addict, one needs to walk alongside them for a very long time and endure their setbacks and words spoken in anger, but the thrill of recovery far outweighs the battle endured to get there. Jesus does this for us and that is His joy. When we serve others and lead them to Him, that is our joy.

Secondly, ponder the present, not the past. When we live in the past which may hold things like unforgiveness and bad memories, we set ourselves up for disappointment in the future. Those things should propel us, not paralyze us. This is why the bible tells those who follow Christ to encourage each other with thoughts of the future, of heaven and eternal life. When we realize that this life is merely temporal, it changes our perspectives.

All the things that God has allowed in your life up to this point is a set-up for eternal bliss! The Lord had to take you that way. He had to allow those people into your life in that season. That marriage (and then perhaps divorce) was framing your testimony. Think of it like a really good movie. If life were perfect for the characters, the plot would be weak. Without the twists and turns, the tears and the amazing delivery, it would be boring and joy-less. Now, don't get me wrong...God does not allow hardship for His enjoyment. His delight is not in watching us squirm, it is watching Himself step in and be the hero. He loves it when we acknowledge that He was there all along.

Last, but not least, enjoying life happens best when we share it with others. In 3 John 1:4, we see that the author finds joy that his children are walking in truth. We also see the joy of a father who receives his prodigal son. We are told to "count it all joy" when we endure trials and persecutions from others as well. Doing life with others produces joy. It is in tried and true relationships where we find joy most.

Spend some time meditating on making your life joyful this week!

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