Saturday, January 26, 2019

Protecting your Peace in 3 ways

In this world of turmoil, confusion and fighting, protecting one's peace is so important. Peace of mind, a peaceful spirit and a peaceful home are priceless.

As I have been meditating on peace this month, I have settled on three big ways that I plan to protect my peace. Perhaps you will find them helpful as well.

First, listen to your body. Secondly, listen to the Holy Spirit. Lastly, listen to wise mentors.

Listen to your body.

Recently, a friend of mine became very upset when she discovered that some medical diagnostic testing revealed that things were at dangerously unhealthy levels. Maybe you can relate.

By ignoring the little nudges for exercise, sleep, eating right and a good healthy balance physically, we put ourselves at risk to experience unrest for our bodies.

Self-care is biblical (especially of you are married). Our bodoes are on loan to us. We need to be good stewards of what God has given us.

Listen to the Holy Spirit

If you have ever been close to God, then you know when you are far from God. The Holy Spirit resides in us to keep us from evil, convict us of sin and warn us when we are not producing the fruit of peace.

The opposite of peace is war, unrest and conflict. If this is your daily experience, this fruit is not evident in you. Our only enemies are the devil and ourselves. One is defeated, the other needs to be put under God's control.

Ask the Lord to give you peace and to make you a peacemaker.

Listen to Mentors

There is so much wisdom in Godly counsel. By humbling ourselves, we become open to those who have more experience and more knowledge than we do.

Pray and ask God to bring that kind of relationship into your life. Ideally, it is best for YOU to mentor someone and to also be mentored. When I have been stressed, a wise mentor assured me that they have faced similar circumstances, and then peace came. Now I can share with someone else.

It is great to have a Pastor, friends and leaders, but pray for a mentor too. Then ask the person that you feel that the Lord is leading you to.

True peace only comes from the Prince of Peace. To know Jesus is to know peace.


Much peace comes from listening. I pray that we all have open ears to hear.

If you have prayer requests, please comment below. It is our privilege to pray for you.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

When you Fast and Pray

Have you ever fasted and prayed? Have you ever fasted and prayed for your relationship? The weekend before our wedding, Anita fasted and prayed to make sure that this was a God idea and not just a good idea.

Fasting is a good spiritual discipline. It helps to quiet the flesh and its desires and awaken us spiritually to the voice of God. By ignoring the craving for food and replacing it with the Word of God, we train ourselves to fully rely on the Lord instead of ourselves.

It is usually good to fast for a specific purpose or reason. When you need an answer from God regarding a specific problem or when you are fighting any spiritual battle, fasting is a good idea.

Fasting is not optional for disciples of Jesus Christ. Combining prayer with fasting is a biblical way to move mountains!

Here are some examples.

When fighting things in the flesh like indulging in sweets, watching too much tv or lying, you may want to tailor your fast for those vices. In addition to withholding food, stay away from those things.

If trying to make a decision, fast from food and make a list of what the Bible says about the thing you are praying about.

Perhaps your fast is just to grow spiritually or to get closer to God. In that case, fast and pray and then practice "listening" to God's voice. It may come through scripture or a song perhaps. You may hear nothing. Journal what you think God's response is.

This is a learned discipline. The more you fast and pray, the more disciplined you become.

God hears your prayers. Fasting and praying is for us to hear Him.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Intimacy all year long - Seven things to remember

This year, we want to start off with a BANG! Here are seven things that every married couple should keep in mind when thinking about sex and intimacy in their relationship. We will discuss them in the form of an acronym - I.N.T.I.M.A.C.Y. Hopefully it will help you to remember each of the seven suggestions. We are definitely not sex therapists, but after being married for 17 years (will be 18 this year by God's grace) and 2 kids, we think we could help someone a little. Intimacy does not equate to sex, but many times it leads to intercourse. That is what we are referring to here today. Here they are!

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I - Investigate each other

(Genesis 4:25, kjv) When we married, Anita was a virgin and so everything about everything sexually related was new. But she is a nurse, so she had book knowledge but not experiential knowledge. In any case, learning the body of your spouse can be an adventure. Use all your senses and grow more comfortable with each other. Even if you have been married for a long time, there is still more to learn. Adam knew his wife, then he knew his wife again!

Fun Idea: Count how many moles your spouse has. Who has the most? Can you find them all?

N - Nurture everything else

(Matthew 7:12, kjv) Any woman will tell you that everything else outside of the bedroom affects what happens in the bedroom! Do not expect warmth in the sexual arena when your relationship has been cold for days.

When we do not eat well, get sleep or take care of ourselves emotionally, sex is not sexy.
Something as simple as making sure that you both are warm enough is important. If your spouse is sick, it probably is not the best time to make advances. A growling stomach, a real headache or screaming kids can be a real turnoff. Attempt to resolve outside issues so that your time together is mutually pleasurable.

Fun Idea: Pick a day to go about your daily chores at home. Stay NAKED. Close all blinds and curtains. Time how long it takes to do you-know-what.

T - Take your time

Love is patient ( 1 Corinthians 13:1, kjv). Do not make it hard for your spouse to ask for sex and do not play games with their emotions. Be careful to show deference to them during intercourse and be polite. There have been times that we had to plan or schedule intimate times together. One of us is all about that scheduled life and the other loves a spur of the moment tumble in the sheets (guess which one).

It may take a while to discover what your spouse likes best. You have to be patient and expect the best from each other. Showing grace when things do not go as planned is kind.

Fun Idea: Set a time each day to kiss. Mark the date you started doing this and celebrate the anniversary. Or start your own intimate tradition.

I - Identify the issues

There will always be issues in your married sex life. Same partner, same place and same position could lead to boredom. Cleanliness could be an issue. Or perhaps one of you is really hoping for children and they are motivated to have sex just for that reason. Some couples struggle with it being too hot or cold in the environment. 
We have to remember that we are most vulnerable when we are intimate. 
Some couples do not take the time to discuss hurt feelings or words spoken in anger before, during or after sex. It is never wise to compare sexual experiences outside of your relationship either. Do share what you are feeling or thinking. Keeping those thoughts internalized harms the relationship. 

Once you have identified the problem, pray about it together. God designed sex remember? He knows how to make this thing work!

Fun Idea: Have sex blindfolded. See if you have any issues....or not.

M - More of them, Less of You

Seek to please your spouse. (Philippians 2:4) Oftentimes, one partner complains about the other. "I wish he would do this". "I wish she would be ok with this". If it is not sinful, why not try it?? God gave you a life partner. Try to give them great memories and happy moments with you. Perhaps one person wants more sex and the other is not interested. Remember what the Word says in 1 Corinthians 7:5 - don't hold back unless you are fasting.
If you are not single, celibate or impotent, stop acting like it!

Fun Idea: Ask your spouse about their ideal intimate moment with every detail. Plan for it.

A - Acts of Worship

Sex is a holy act. (Hebrews 13:4, kjv) It is a physical covenant between one man and one woman (just in case you were wondering). Do not contaminate it with outside people or things. We are not here to tell you how to run your sex life. We are here to encourage you to enjoy the benefits of God's design for intimacy within its confines. 

Food is great, but too much or too little is hardly beneficial for the human body. Sex is similar. We have God-given desire for it, but we cannot think that it does not come with principles and instruction from the manufacurer. Sex at the wrong time with the wrong intentions, in the wrong place in the wrong way is a recipe for disaster and an avenue for the enemy. 

Adultery, fornication, bestiality, orgies and other paraphilia are not of God. The closer you are to God, the more you will be able to discern when you are grieving the Holy Spirit with your body.

Fun Idea: Read Song of Solomon aloud for your spouse and insert their name in the scriptures.

C - Communicate

If it bothers you, speak up! If you like it - SAY SO! It works both ways. We have a great habit of thanking each other after a really great intimate moment. Never take your spouse for granted. They could be mean, disinterested and just "going through the motions". If that is the case, discussion is warranted. 

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Think carefully how and when to address your spouse with difficult conversations.

Fun Idea: Communicate without words. Feel free to use signals, gestures or any other creative way to say what you cannot say with speech :)

Y - Yield

Yield your bodies to one another - willingly, often and happily.

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

One word for your marriage (50 ideas)

We attempted to make new year resolutions for our marriage, but we find that concentrating on a single idea for ourselves works much better. Simplicity is key. Study and meditate on that one word. Think about how it relates to you personally and to your spouse. Plan your new year with that word in mind. Back up those plans with prayer and scripture references and be prepared to watch your marriage make a transformation!

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Here are 25 word ideas for your relationship:


What other word (s) would you add to this list? Share in the comments below!

Get transformation in your marriage with just one word this year. Find resources here:
Your transformation through God’s word starts at Click to begin!


Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...