Thursday, December 6, 2018

Winter Romance: Four Ideas for when you are NOT in the mood

(This blog post contains affiliate links that we may receive compensation for if you click them, but we do not mind if you do :)

When it is cold out and the snow is falling, things can happen! This is baby-making season as some say, lol. However, the reality is that as much as we may be showing physical attention to our spouses, we may not be meeting their emotional needs. Romance (especially for a woman) is so much more than sex. In the winter season, the fact is that stress and sadness can cloud our attempts at being and reciprocating romance. As much as we are physically together, we may actually be very distanced in other ways. Depression, grieving and anxiety can take a toll on a marriage especially around the holidays.

Some couples seem to have it all together. They happily celebrate the highs in life and support each other through the lows. Everything looks so perfect from the outside. Yet we all know that any good marriage takes much work and intentionality. We have to be willing to give and willing to receive. You may not always be in the mood either. Heck, you might not even like your spouse right now, but we have to rely on the Lord to make these relationships work.

Romance reminds us that the other person is thinking of us. We have four great romantic ideas to share that will not add to the stress of the winter season. While they may seem unconventional, try them and let us know how it goes!

Mood buster #1: Reminisce good times

Recalling happy times together can cure the winter blues sometimes. We like to look at older pictures and even the video of our wedding day and honeymoon together. Romance does not have to be expensive. It has to be meaningful.

We often worry about the future so take a moment with your spouse to relive the good. Recollect details about events and people and relish those memories. Make them smile.

Mood buster #2: Pray Together

Yes it is not on most people's list of "most romantic things to do with your spouse", but we guarantee that it is!! How much more intimate can you be than approaching the all-powerful throne of God as a couple? In the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve hid from the Lord together, but what could have happened if they confessed their sins to Him together instead?

Even praying for your loved ones and each other's personal needs touches a deep place in the heart of your spouse. It is one of the most romantic things that you can do.

Mood buster #3: Get Warm!

If you have been following the blog for a while, you know that Anita gets very cold in the winter. Something as simple as taking a warm shower together or cuddling for longer in bed (without expecting anything) can be very romantic for her.

Another suggestion would be talking by a fire with some cocoa after a cold walk outside. See how that works - cold, then warm....and maybe HOT if you get lucky, lol.

Mood buster #4: Gifts

Recently, Maurice surprised me when I came home, just because. It was a beautifully wrapped box of chocolates. Thoughtfulness goes a long way in a marriage. Often it is the little things (like the fact that he knows that white chocolate is my fav), that makes a difference.

Maybe food is not the gift you should give. It may be an experience or perhaps a book. There are several really great gifts out there and we would like to offer you our sale code through this link to ChurchSource. Options abound, but gifts that draw your spouse closer to God are priceless. Here is a tip for the guys. Click the link below or ask her to pick something out for herself, especially if she likes to shop!

Get her the perfect gift from!

Sometimes it is not even the gift itself, but how it is given that matters more. Some people like surprises while others want to know exactly what is about to happen. You know your spouse best. Even when you are not in the mood, no one can romance them like you. Make an effort. Keep your marriage fresh and alive, even in the dead of winter.


  1. Awww this is lovely and I can just imagine. Only if someone were there with me now...

    1. Marriage is a blessing. Wait for the person God has for you. Singleness is s blessing too!

  2. Preach! Prayer is everything and is super inspiring when you are listening to your spouse pour out their hearts to God.

    1. It is so beautiful AND romantic. Not everyone experiences that level of intimacy becsuse they do not pray with their spouse.

  3. Wow, this is such a romantic post and you are right, even the little things like getting warmer in winter, makes a relationship much stronger

    1. We are cuddlers for sure. Something about all those August through October birthday babies born later on, lol!

  4. i love all these tips. you are spot on with this post

    1. Glad it was helpful! Thanks so much for reading 😊

  5. Sometimes just snuggling with your best friend while watching a good film is the best thing ever. xo, Suzanne

  6. These are some great tips. I'll be keeping them in mind! :)

  7. I wish snow fell here, it would be quite romantic - all we seem to get is torrential rain LOL - great tips though, it is important to keep romance alive

    1. Snow definitely helps, but being intentional is what counts the most!


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