Saturday, November 17, 2018

Gift-Giving Guide for Christian Couples

Buying gifts for your spouse can be a really fun experience if you know them well. As the holiday season approaches we are all preparing to buy gifts for many people. We have experienced times when gift-giving has been hectic and other times when it has been a joy.

Here are a few tips before we offer you a few of the best deals out there for couples right now.

(This post does contain affiliate links that we may be compensated for if you click them - so we don't mind at all)

1.  Pay attention. Know your spouse well. I know this goes without saying, but when buying gifts you want to take note of what your spouse really loves and what they really do not.

Notice when they smile, when they linger over certain items in the store or make comments. Be a detective and take note!

I really do not like chocolate much, but Maurice used to buy me chocolate all of the time. Once I purchase a men's devotional for Maurice but then realize later that it merely collected dust. These were not good gift choices for us obviously!

2. Be wise.  It is so important that you are on the same page financially with your spouse. Buying gifts can be a pleasure but it can also be a detriment to your finances.

You may need to discipline yourself to save money for a special item, but giving with heart is so much sweeter!

A husband may want to "surprise" the wife with a $5,000 upgrade on her wedding ring which would be very nice, but you could be really surprised that you are still paying for that gift 5 to 20 years later!

One is usually the spender and the other the saver. Plan accordingly. See this post for more on managing your money as a couple.

3.  Ask the Lord for help. As cheesy as that may sound Maurice and I have learned to put God in the center of everything!

God knows your spouse better than you do right? He can direct you. Give gifts that make your spouse better, not harm them. We should never give gifts that will indulge sinful habits or addiction.

Not all gifts are tangible, especially for married couples (as you know)!  your spouse may prefer an experience of sorts rather than a gift that comes in a box.  Get creative with the Creator!

NOW... We have come up with a  few ideas for gifts for engaged or married couples.  It does seem to be getting harder and harder to find things that christian couples can both enjoy, so we have scoured the internet for you and found some amazing deals!

Together Shop

Our new store with two lists: Gifts for Her and Gifts for Him! New items added daily!


A great variety of teas infused with healthful essential oils!

*** Every purchase feeds a family and we are proud to support such a giving organization ***

A clothing site for families.

PatPat Daily Deals for Moms & Kids

Christmas Family Outfits up to 70% off - New Customers get 10% off, enter code NEWCUS10, love PatPat

*** With additional purchases, you get higher percentage off coupons! ***

A website for christian books and gifts.

*** Also, get up to 60% OFF couples books, bibles and gifts with our LINK!! ***

Find your spouse a bible, christian T-shirts, mugs, decals and MORE.

We hope that this is helpful to you and your spouse. Wishing you a very Happy ThanksGIVING!!


  1. we aren't a religious couple. but i will forward this to a few friends

    1. We appreciate your sharing!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday 😍

  2. We should always watch and listen to what our spouse desires. Yes there is three of us in our marriage

    1. Yes!! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you right? The Golden Rule applies to marriage too. Thanks so much for reading!

  3. A vacation for the couple is always a good gift, doesn't need to be too grand. A sleepover in a hotel in the city would be nice as well.

    1. What a great idea!! Sometimes trips as gifts make the best memories hands-down. Taking mental notes. Thanks for reading ✔

  4. Yes, I love the creative tip, think outside of the box

    1. Yes!! Taking careful thought to how you give is such a special and loving thing to do.

  5. Great ideas! I am going to share with this with my couple friends.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing!! We hope it is a great resource for the holidays!

  6. These are solid tips that we could all use when it's time to shop for gifts. The holidays are a frenzied time and using wisdom is important.

    1. We are glad that you like them. Wisdom is key. Thanks for reading!


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