Monday, February 22, 2016

Falling forward

Jesus fell forward as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was weighed down spiritually and physically knowing what He was about to endure for us. Have you ever fell forward? Strange isn't it? A loss of balance is usually a surprise that ends with us in a humble posture. Similarly, when your life is tossed around, it can either embarass you or make you more humble. You can also humble yourself on purpose before God in order to be stronger spiritually. That usually looks like times of solitude, much prayer and fasting.

Sometimes our burdens for others are more than we think we can handle. The great thing is that God knows that you will have that experience. He foresees your fall and will use that humble place in life to raise you up spiritually.

Today's post:

Prayer: Lord, use the low places in my life to bring you glory. Thank you for having mercy on me. Give me the courage to share my testimony so that others can see Your awesome power in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Ask God for an opportunity to share your testimony of where you used to be and where He has brought you to now. Find something to represent what you have been through and use it as a reminder of where you "got back up".

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