Friday, February 26, 2016

Making Headlines

God already knows the story of your life from the beginning to the end. Hebrews 12 calls Him the author and the finisher of our faith. He is already aware of your mistakes and how it can be a testimony for someone else. Let God not only write your story but EDIT your story. You see, even the bad things that have happened in your life can be "spinned" as a headline for the glory of God if you give Him editing rights to your life.

When I wrote my book "The Titus Ten" I had my editor go through it twice....and guess what, there were still mistakes. If I had given up on that chapter, I would have never finished the book successfully. The blood of Jesus covers all your sin and wrong. He make a headline out of your error. The enemy wants to bring up all your faults, but making God the editor of your life "corrects" your past and makes the headline "BUT GOD!".

When a mistake happens in cooking, you cannot unblend what has been added to your life. However, you can choose to toss out the whole thing or to recreate something new and make it still appealing. That is what God does. He is the Master Chef. He adds His glory to your mess and makes a whole new recipe that is unique to you. You are not able to be duplicated and that is what God loves about you. You are His headline!

Today's scope:

Prayer: God, be my editor. I am tired of living my life in light of my past. You are the Alpha and Omega. I give you full rights to my past, present and future. Make me new in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Action: Create a new recipe, song or piece of art. Let the Creator create through you.

Our boys practicing piano

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


In Haggai 1:7, the Word says "Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways".  Haggai was speaking as a prophet to the people of God. The Lord was stirring them up to remember why they were working and who they were working for.

We live in a very self-preserving culture. The world is currently driven by selfishness and ego. As followers of Jesus, however, we ought to consider our own ways as well. What is the motivation behind what we are doing? Who are we really doing it for? Are we trying to preserve what is only temporary or are we living in light of eternity?

Today's scope:

Prayer: Lord, help us not live like the culture around us and become so self-absorbed. Let our lives be God-encompassing where You are the reason and the hope that we have for all that we done. Let us focus outward on others instead of inward on ourselves. Teach us to be like Jesus. In His name we pray, Amen!

Action: Post Haggai 1:7 on a mirror in your home. Let it remind you to consider your ways!

An office "selfie". Sort of...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Blind Sight

How is it that we cannot see what is right in front of us sometimes? In driving, it's called a blind spot. It is not that you cannot see physically. There is no natural impairment, but sometimes you are not looking for certain things. We can often be surprised at things that can be very obvious to those around us! There is a certain television commercial with a popular character called "Captain Obvious". Each commercial plays on the irony of what is hidden but also in plain view. It is humorous on TV but not in real life.

In some cases, we prefer our "blindness" to the light of truth, however, ignorance is not bliss! There are those that will offer their direction for your life, but it only leads you away from God and further from light. It is so important to follow only those who are led of the Lord themselves! Otherwise, you may both fall.

Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to the truth. Make Yourself known to us in a greater way. Teach us how to come out of our darkness and learn to see in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Ask God to make you an example of one who follows in truth, then be ready to go where He leads!

Pray for the Children

Have you prayed for your children today? What about the kids in your church? Your community? Do you realize that praying for the next generation of believers is YOUR responsibility even if you are not a parent? Every parent needs others to help lift up their arms and support them as they disciple their children in the ways of the Lord. Who could you reach out to? What orphanage could you support with your time, talent or finances? Be open to the needs of those around you.

The body of Christ is a moving, breathing entity. We grow, we develop and we multiply. Let us be in prayer for the sons and daughters that will follow in our footseps to lead the next generation of believers and the next generation after that.

Today's scope:

Prayer: Lord, we lift up the children everywhere. We pray for their protection, their health and their salvation. Give them hearts to seek after you and to grow to love you. We pray for moms carrying and for those considering abortion. Change hearts and let them choose life in Jesus name. Give parents, grandparents and guardians wisdom to raise up their children in the fear of the Lord and to take seriously their charge to make disciples in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Think about joining a "Moms in Prayer" group near you. Make a prayer list of children in your family and those not related to you by blood today. Pray for each by name for their salvation, safety and health.

"You are Special"

Sharing my occupation w/YMCA kids for Black History Month

Falling forward

Jesus fell forward as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was weighed down spiritually and physically knowing what He was about to endure for us. Have you ever fell forward? Strange isn't it? A loss of balance is usually a surprise that ends with us in a humble posture. Similarly, when your life is tossed around, it can either embarass you or make you more humble. You can also humble yourself on purpose before God in order to be stronger spiritually. That usually looks like times of solitude, much prayer and fasting.

Sometimes our burdens for others are more than we think we can handle. The great thing is that God knows that you will have that experience. He foresees your fall and will use that humble place in life to raise you up spiritually.

Today's post:

Prayer: Lord, use the low places in my life to bring you glory. Thank you for having mercy on me. Give me the courage to share my testimony so that others can see Your awesome power in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Ask God for an opportunity to share your testimony of where you used to be and where He has brought you to now. Find something to represent what you have been through and use it as a reminder of where you "got back up".

Unnatural Nature

We are made body, mind and spirit. Part of our nature is "unnatural". It is the spirit part that separates us from all other creation. God breathed into man and he became a unique being for that reason. To understand this part of ourselves requires the acknowledgment that we were created by a spiritual being who had a reason and purpose for doing so. One distinct characteristic of being a spiritual being is that God gives certain promises to those of us who choose to embrace God as our Father. 1 Corinthians 10:13 lets us know that temptation to step out of God's purpose and plans for us and into sin always has an escape!

It is like those serving in military. Our calling (if we choose to accept it) is to live a life pleasing to God, to make disciples and declare God's kingdom on earth. We may be tempted to go off mission, but there is always a way back to the base. When we make Christ our "homebase" there is always a place of safety and rescue. See...we are different from the world as born-again believers, but, just because we have a safety net doesn't mean we should jump off the deep end into sin. The wonderful thing about being born into the spirit is that God gives us the power to live out this unnatural nature every day.

Today's scope:

Prayer: Father, teach us how to live make living in the spirit a more natural part of our daily lives. Give us spiritual eyes and ears to comprehend this life on another level and to identify how the enemy is trying to distract us. Help us to take the way of escape that You have provided for us in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action: Practice living in the spirit. Ask God to make you aware of how He is working. Block out some things in your life that you know are not helping you to hear what the Holy Spirit is speaking. Incorporate new activities (and new relationships) that help you to be more sensitive to God and fully experience freedom in Christ.


Breaking Hearts

Have you ever had your heart broken? Hosea knows all about that. The woman the Lord told him to marry was beautiful and she knew it. She spent her days with him and her nights with other men. It happened so regularly that it became her identity. Hosea felt like a fool....a fool in love. When he asked God why, the response was eye-opening. Israel had "played the harlot" with God Himself. Her heart was drawn away from the Lord and she had slept with His enemies, having children by them. God was saying "See...this is what it's like when my church does not respect me. It breaks my heart!"

Spiritual prostitution. What a disgusting idea, and yet, we have been guilty of the same. In spite of how God has been faithful to us, we so often play the part of the whore and turn our backs to Him. Let it stop today. Return to the Lord in every area of your life. Repent and recommit your heart to the lover of your soul.

Today's scope:

Prayer: Lord, you are married to the backslider. (Jeremiah 3:14) Forgive us for ever not living a committed life to You. Cover us and keep our hearts mended to Yours. You draw us with your love and we will draw others to You, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Action: Pray for someone that you know that has a broken heart today. Ask God how you can show love to them because of the love that God has lavished into your heart.

Monday, February 15, 2016

7 Rings of Our Marriage

Maurice and I are so excited to get into a new resource for married christian couples. It is a book called "The 7 Rings of Marriage" by Jackie Bledsoe. Reading this book was a joy. It is so refreshing that someone actually "gets it". Marriage goes through phases, stages, twists and turns. It is all a normal part of a marriage relationship, not an excuse to bail out.

This book is well-written and Jackie shares from his own experience that is tragic yet triumphant. It is an inspiring, motivating read and I will definitely read again.

As I pondered on the message in the 7 Rings of Marriage, I was inspired to share a bit about our 7 rings. So here goes:

1. Engagement RING

We were engaged on the 28th of May. It was Memorial Day weekend and how memorable it was! You can now see why that holiday is special to us. All sunshine, roses and a RING! I was the first daughter to marry and the planning in my head had begun.

2. Wedding RING

Now this is a funny story. I did not see the wedding band that went with my engagement ring until it was placed on my finger on my wedding day. Little did I know that Maurice had it custom-made and it did not have diamonds as I expected, they were emeralds! As he slid it on my finger, I was thinking "What is this green thing?". It was absolutely beautiful and stunningly unique. I was in love!

3. DiscoveRING

We made several discoveries about each other as the months and years passed both good and well....honestly.....troubling! We did not have the same taste in music, movies or games. We discovered that our first baby would never be born. We also discovered that we had a mutual desire for marriage ministry to other couples. These things fueled a couple's study that we led for many years. We still do!

4. PerseveRING

When hard times come in marriage (and they will!) you have to have a solid foundation. The theme for our wedding was...Walking Together Towards God. I had never heard of a marriage theme until Maurice gave us one, and I loved it! Every time we have had disagreements or "intense fellowship" moments, we have fallen back onto this thought. I believe that it is a foundation for us. If we are walking together both towards God He is drawing and keeping us together. It is not so much our efferts, but our love for Jesus that holds us close.

5. RestoRING

When one spouse hurts another intentionally or not, there must be a time of restoration and reconciliation. We have a weekly time set aside just for this. Without this "grace space" in our marriage, I do think that bitterness would truly have a root. Forgiveness, love and grace are needed in every marriage without exception.

6. ProspeRING

Nothing shows the fruit of a marriage more than children. We have two boys and they are our joy. It is quite funny to overhear them talking about how they will marry someone beautiful one day and have 10! Hilarious really! They are young and naive to the rigors of marriage, but we hope to give them the gift of an example of a Godly marriage.

7. MentoRING

We have had some really fun times in church couples groups and in facilitating bible studies with other married couples. That has truly been a great highlight in our marriage so far. The memories are amazing! There is nothing like sharing the good, the bad and the ugly of your marriage with others who will do the same for you. The church is one body and marriage is representative of that. To mentor others is to lift up their arms and strengthen their legs. You never know....they may need to carry you one day!

Blog hops for this book from other launch team members:

Pick up a copy of The 7 Rings of Marriage wherever books are sold (including online). There is also an accompanying Bible study for groups and a bible plan on Youversion! You can also follow author Jackie Bledsoe on his website here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dating Games

"Opposites attract before marriage, opposites attack after marriage!" When people talk about interracial or inter-generational dating, they know that at least in some situations there is something wrong with it that they just can't put their finger on. A game that may not be fair for all that are involved. The following is a message I wrote to a friend that I met online (1998). Multiplayers! Let's begin!

Interracial dating and inter-generational dating is something I've studied into. I believe that in the great majority of cases it is unwise (which is sin Proverbs 8:35-36 NKJV):

FIRST, Why are there different RACES (for lack of a better word)? In the book of Genesis chapter 11, it speaks of how God confused the language and scattered mankind over the earth at the Tower of Babel. It's my belief that those isolated gene pools created the additional races of people on the earth. Even though this particular incident is only mentioned in one place in the Bible, there is no evidence that God's purpose for why He scattered mankind has changed. Therefore God purposely wanted different races of people to exist separately.

SECOND, It's amazing when you think about how much respect the Bible gives to the natural order of things as intended! For example 1 Corinthians 11:14 “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” or Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Also God did not want Israel to intermingle various things like worship, culture, interfaith marriage, even garments (Lev. 19:19).

THIRD, like Christ, a person has to consider it's expedience (it’s necessity). Dating or marriage should be about compatibility, a person is naturally going to be more compatible with someone of their own race, also for example in the African American community women outnumber men more than any other racial group, is it necessary for a black man to date outside of his race, etc.

FOURTH, a person has to consider their motives £or dating that way, because there are multiple wrong motives like lust, novelty, infatuation, money, man's acceptance, wrong ideology possibly stemming from a belief in evolution, desperation, etc.

FIFTH, a person has to "count the cost", society has in the past looked down on it, and racial roots and heritage are naturally important to most people. Racial heritage is one of those things that either matters or doesn't matter, it can't be both.

Before you race to the end of this blog I just wanted to add something very important, if you are already in an interracial or inter generational marriage, God does NOT want you to divorce! Once we get married it is God's will for us to stay married. Any one of mixed race descent should by no means feel like God does not love them or have a wonderful plan for your life.

Some people today marry and date inter-racially thinking that they are promoting  unity by relations or by producing more mixed children. This sounds like the same wrong and unrepentant motive the people at the Tower of Babel had. “If you want to know the future look at the past.” Just like in other places in the world where two races of people coexisted, Israel, South America, etc. America will eventually become a nation where the great majority are mixed raced people.

It's your move!


Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...