Sometimes I have to pull away or I will be pulled apart. I'm sure you know what I mean. When the pressure is on at home or work, everyone is demanding your attention or project deadlines are looming, you could be easily overwhelmed! I get easily irritated when I'm overwhelmed, even in ministry. It is great to pour out to others but necessary to get refilled as well.
Jesus sweetly calls us away into His presence, away from distractions and the busyness of life, into His arms. I love that place. No appointment or preparation necessary. I can unload before Him, cry, release, laugh and really be myself, the way He likes. The way He created me.
How refreshing to be with someone who completely understands you! It's exhausting to pretend isn't it? Painting on a happy face when you'd rather be doing something else, talking to someone else or being somewhere else takes work! Friendship facades can go on for a very long time. This can even happen in marriage. But it truly is living out a lie. Ever been in the place where you felt merely used. Where everything was for the other person? Even what was supposed to be for you was really for them? Yeah, I've been there too. Every once in a while, you find someone genuine, a soulmate. When we find someone like that - wow - what a relief! But they still don't know everything. Sometimes the very person that you have entrusted your heart to, breaks it best.
I have had very few close friends in my life because at some point you are made fun of, ridiculed, laughed at or trust is broken. I love hard and deep. Not everyone can handle that and that's a a fact I learned the hard way! Putting your heart out there is a risky thing, but not so with Jesus. I have to just tell God about my feelings, secrets and embarrassments because He Gets Me! No need to paint a picture, break it down or make an outline. He understands completely and loves you still.
If you never have, I highly suggest taking the risk with Christ. He has yet to disappoint me. Even when my prayers are not answered the way I think they should be, He surprises me with an even greater blessing! What an incredible Savior! No one knows you like He does and no one can solve your problems like He can. We can rest in Him. We can rely on Him. And when we come apart with Him, He puts us back together. Whole. Complete. Lacking nothing.
Mark 6:31
Colossians 2:8-10
Announcement!! Announcement!! Announcement!!
Coming 2014, my husband Maurice and I will be giving this blog a facelift including a new title, design and it will also include contributions from my dear husband! I am madly excited about what God is up to. This will be a couple blog in January!
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