Monday, December 30, 2013


The explanation “I’ll try God later” doesn't match up at all against the truth of the gospel. The following was adapted from “A SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF THE GOSPEL/ The Four Spiritual Laws”. 
Please use your bible.

Just as there are physical laws that govern the physical universe, so are there spiritual laws that govern your relationship with God.


Since God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life, why is it that most people are not experiencing God’s love and the abundant life?  Because…


Man was created to have fellowship with God.  But because of his own stubborn self-will,         
man chose to go his own independent way and fellowship with God was broken. This self-               
will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference, is evidence of  
what the bible calls sin.
God is holy and man is sinful. A great gulf separates the two. Man is continually trying to  

reach God and the abundant life through his own efforts such as a "good life", “good works” or  

religious ceremonies. This does not work because “all our righteous acts are like filthy rags”.  
Isaiah 64:4 “The wages of sin is death”.  Romans 6:23

Additional comments: Let me point out why the “I’ll try God later” explanation doesn’t work.
Since God has a universal plan and purpose for  mankind which needs our participation; if we
reject or neglect God , we remain enemies of God . John 8:42,44; Romans 8:7
God’s offer for  us to partake in His plan, may never come later. In John 6:44 Jesus say’s “No  
one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him”. It is strictly God’s decision.
Once God has made an offer, it’s not something we can put on the shelf for later. Because as  
Jesus said; “Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their  
(hard) hearts.” Mark 4:15  (Mark 4:2-8, 13-20)
We only waste our time (“Ain’t no half-steppin’”). As stated before “all our righteous acts
are like filthy rags”, because “they that are in the flesh (unsaved) cannot please God.” Roman 8:8
We must “count the cost” and be very sober about this offer, because ultimate failure to do so
will result in eternal punishment. Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:11-15


God has bridged the gulf that separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the  
cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. Colossians 1:20; 2:14.
He rose from the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 (This is an important element of your
understanding because the resurrection is the proof that Jesus Christ’s claims about sin and  
salvation are true.)


Receiving Christ involves repentance, turning to God from self, AND faith, trusting Christ to  
come into our lives to forgive our sins and make us what He wants us to be.
We come to know and receive Christ through a personal invitation from God.  Revelation
3:20; John 6:45-47
When we receive Christ, we experience a new birth.  John 3:1-8; 1 Peter 1:23

“Come as you are”

There is no magical formula as regards to the words you are to use. However, when spoken
from the heart, the “ideas” expressed in the following prayer illustrate the main thoughts
which we should share with God.
My Father and my Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me  
eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the person You want me to be.
If the ideas in this prayer are expressed from the heart, Jesus Christ will come into your life, as  
He promised.  Revelation 3:20

by Maurice

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Come Apart

Sometimes I have to pull away or I will be pulled apart. I'm sure you know what I mean. When the pressure is on at home or work, everyone is demanding your attention or project deadlines are looming, you could be easily overwhelmed! I get easily irritated when I'm overwhelmed, even in ministry. It is great to pour out to others but necessary to get refilled as well. 

Jesus sweetly calls us away into His presence,  away from distractions and the busyness of life, into His arms. I love that place. No appointment or preparation necessary. I can unload before Him, cry, release, laugh and really be myself, the way He likes. The way He created  me.

How refreshing to be with someone who completely understands you! It's exhausting to pretend isn't it? Painting on a happy face when you'd rather be doing something else, talking to someone else or being somewhere else takes work! Friendship facades can go on for a very long time. This can even happen in marriage. But it truly is living out a lie. Ever been in the place where you felt merely used. Where everything was for the other person? Even what was supposed to be for you was really for them? Yeah, I've been there too. Every once in a while, you find someone genuine, a soulmate. When we find someone like that - wow - what a relief! But they still don't know everything. Sometimes the very person that you have entrusted your heart to, breaks it best.  

I have had very few close friends in my life because at some point you are made fun of, ridiculed, laughed at or trust is broken. I love hard and deep. Not everyone can handle that and that's a a fact I learned the hard way! Putting your heart out there is a risky thing, but not so with Jesus. I have to just tell God about my feelings, secrets and embarrassments because He Gets Me! No need to paint a picture, break it down or make an outline. He understands completely and loves you still.

If you never have, I highly suggest taking the risk with Christ. He has yet to disappoint me. Even when my prayers are not answered the way I think they should be, He surprises me with an even greater blessing! What an incredible Savior! No one knows you like He does and no one can  solve your problems like He can. We can rest in Him. We can rely on Him. And when we come apart with Him, He puts us back together. Whole. Complete. Lacking nothing. 

Mark 6:31
Colossians 2:8-10

Announcement!! Announcement!! Announcement!!

Coming 2014, my husband Maurice and I will be giving this blog a facelift including a new title, design and it will also include contributions from my dear husband! I am madly excited about what God is up to. This will be a couple blog in January!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Your breath stinks.

"Your breath stinks" he said. That's hard to hear from your husband, especially if you are feeling super cute, your hair is on point and you have on his favorite perfume. You are hoping that you get to do one of your favorite married activities with him and he totally kills the mood. I KNOW I am not alone!
I cried and cried. He hurt my feelings so bad. He is supposed to love & cherish me no matter what! But let's get real. Your breath stinks. That's a fact. That's real married life.

It's hard to even think about getting close when there is something like that between us. It is not the most pleasant thing to tell your spouse, but honesty is more important than tolerating something that is wrong.
So my question is, how come we can't take God's rebuke as his bride? Your sin stinks. He's just "keeping it real" with you right now. He kindly tells you that you need to brush, floss, swish and spit out that nastiness. Be hot or cold but that in between kills!

As followers of Christ, the most important thing we need to do is to stay close to Him! Sin is the ONLY thing that separates us. So go get that mess right. God is holy. He truly is as much a God of love as He is a God of wrath. We MUST be holy.

Fortunately for us, He is also a God of great mercy. We do not get what we deserve because Jesus paid the price for our sin. We have everything we need to be fresh before our King.

No man wants to cuddle up with the dragon breath wife. Every little sin is a problem. Every time we commit sin, we practically push God further and further away, until we repent. I know it hurts your feelings hun, but your sin sticks. Go wash up under the blood of Christ, floss away those hidden things that no one sees behind your smile. Swish yourself in the Spirit to make it harder for the enemy to attack and leave the mess at the alter. Right now please.

Your King is waiting.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Marriage Mistake

Have you ever felt that getting married was a mistake? Perhaps you married the wrong person? Perhaps you married too soon? Maybe this was your idea and not God's idea? You did not realize that they were like that. You didn't know they had that habit, or that their life would change so drastically later on and affect you as well. Maybe you thought this family would look differently once you got married. Welcome to Zecharias and Joseph's world!

Joseph had plans to marry a beautiful girl and to have beautiful children with her. He planned to marry a virgin. He planned to marry a woman without kids, or a "reputation". How about Zecharias. He had plans too. By this time, he had hoped to be a grandfather or maybe even a great- grandfather with an awesome family legacy! He had plans to be fertile and marry a woman who would bear him an heir - a son who would carry HIS name. But my how God disrupts our lives to bring His plans and His purposes.
You may not regret your marriage, but you may have some disappointments in who you married, the surrounding circumstances and how many kids or lack thereof you have at this time. It's almost understandable disappointment....from our perspective.

Look at how these two men reacted. Zecharias did not believe that anything miraculous could happen. God did not allow him to speak until the word from the angel was performed. Then he had to give that child the name John, not his family name, as he had hoped. Joseph on the other hand was perplexed. He needed to hear from the angel himself so God sent an angel to him. He also had a dream and God confirmed everything. I think it's because he believed. God will bring things to light in time for the believer. But he still had to endure the mocking, and comfort Mary in times of other people's doubt. What misunderstandings! These were illegitimate circumstances. They looked like sinners. They looked like liars. They look like idiots to those who could not comprehend God's mysterious plan.

If you are married,  you may be facing perplexing circumstances. No you do not have the exact set of issues as Joseph and Zecharias but it's hard to keep the faith.  Don't doubt that the God you took your vows before is able to reconcile and mend your marriage into a beautiful picture for His glory. You may be hurt, embarrassed or disappointed but God specializes in the miraculous.

Trust Him!

In your confusion, believe that He is with you as you go through this time. Whatever has happened has been allowed in order to shape you for what he has planned in the future. Remember to keep the right perspective. Marriage is SO daily. I mean, you can't really run away from your spouse. So trust God. Do what He has told you to do. You are only responsible to be obedient to His commands. Anything that happens after that He has allowed. Keep your eyes on Jesus. If you are not sure what to do ask him. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. If God cannot go back on his own word, then he is trustworthy to do it. He will answer you. Stop asking other people and stay before God until the next step is clear. He is a revealer.

Even when what we call "mistakes" happen, that word is not in God's vocabulary. If you trust Him, even those will be for His glory. Jesus was not a mistake and Joseph (who had a choice) did not make a mistake by marrying his fiance. It's all in God's plan.

Luke 1-2, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 1-2

My husband and I feel strongly called to marriage ministry. If you have questions, comments or desire prayer, please feel free to email me at

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...