Monday, July 8, 2013

Warfare is Real

In the book of Ephesians tells us to put on our spiritual armor. It consists of the sword of the Spirit, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation the girdle of truth and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Why do we need all of these things? What purposes do they serve? Doesn't God fight our battles so we don't have to?

I am finding that the more purposeful I am in discipling and mentoring and bringing people to Christ that the devil does not like me very much. Someone just told me that all of the armor of God is the Word of God. This actually makes a lot of sense. We apply certain parts of the Word of God to our situation as needed but the Word of God clearly applicable in many ways. The Bible is an offensive sword, our protective cover and what we stand on. It holds all pieces of our armor together like a buckler or belt. Without it, we have nothing!

The devil is intimidated by true followers of God. If you are not a threat to his kingdom you are just where he wants you to be. Quiet, passive, relaxed and unassuming. The devil does not mind those kinds of believers. Heck, HE'S A BELIEVER! The enemy trembles however if we mention Jesus. If we start fervently praying for God's kingdom to come, for the church to grow, for salvation and God's glory to be revealed, then confrontation is inevitable! This is War!

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