He was the only one I called dad. My father is daddy to me.
But my heavenly Father trumps them all. He is all that any father should be. Loving, caring, stern, honest. I love Him, but I miss my dad.
The morning before the trip to Indiana, Kaz had school and Chay did homeschooling. I packed us up and prayed with my Moms in Touch prayer partner. We won't have time to do much fun stuff there unfortunately. We are going for a sad reason, but the boys figure that rental car + hotel = vacation. We may be able to swim but that's about it. ***** Later On ***** So the whole time the boys are like "Are we in Indiana now?". Sheesh! Maurice literally drove from 9am until about 11pm. I'm glad he likes to do it. I hate driving especially at nighttime. The boys were out by 9pm and we got here about 10:30pm.
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