Friday, November 25, 2011

Giving Thanks

We had a nice thanksgiving holiday celebration.

Even though we are not where we want to be financially, we are still so blessed!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Job

Now I'm a nurse and a teacher! I  really like what I am doing now. It kind of suits my personality and I find that working within your spiritual gifts is a blessing to you and to others.

Chay's birthday is coming up soon. It will be a costume Xbox party! Hope we can pull this!

11/17 So I am supposed to meet my boss tomorrow morning. It sounds important. We shall see...
11/18 All is well. I am praying for the school. Sounds as if there are internal issues with students and staff.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Goodbye dad part II

The morning after the funeral was special. We took pics of the flag and visited Maurice's mom gravesite.

However, after that, we had a series of unfortunate events. At a restaurant, Makaz broke a plate. Then  Maurice spilled all his drink in the car and he got a speeding ticket to boot in Indiana!

We just wanted to go home! And we did safely thank God!

Tomorrow its back to work for me!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Smothered chicken recipe

Yesterday I cut chicken breasts in half and seasoned them with a little thyme and sage rub, dipped them in egg and seasoned bread crumbs and baked them covered for about twenty-five minutes.

After that, I took them out and covered them with a cream of chicken mixture and served them hot. They were amazing!

With them we had broccoli and stuffing. Can you tell that I am anxious for Thanksgiving?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Goodbye Dad

He was the only one I called dad. My father is daddy to me.

But my heavenly Father trumps them all. He is all that any father should be. Loving, caring, stern, honest. I love Him, but I miss my dad.

The morning before the trip to Indiana, Kaz had school and Chay did homeschooling. I packed us up and prayed with my Moms in Touch prayer partner. We won't have time to do much fun stuff there unfortunately. We are going for a sad reason, but the boys figure that rental car + hotel = vacation. We may be able to swim but that's about it. ***** Later On ***** So the whole time the boys are like "Are we in Indiana now?". Sheesh! Maurice literally drove from 9am until about 11pm. I'm glad he likes to do it. I hate driving especially at nighttime. The boys were out by 9pm and we got here about 10:30pm.
To occupy the boys during "down time", we let them play angry birds!

Welcome to my Blog!

Good evening friends!

Everyone is resting quietly and my thoughts can flow much more freely. Our family is entering a new phase of interdependence on each other. With the passing of great-grandparents, grandparents and other relatives, I find myself drawing my immediate family inward, closer and safely around me. Death does not shake our foundation in the least for that is in Jesus Christ, our Lord. It does however, make me more contemplative and introspective. It makes the warrior within stand up and pay attention. It causes my spirit to recall that life is a vapor and therefore must be lived wisely and on purpose. This is our mission as a family.

We are given a great commission by our Lord, one of reconciliation as ministers of His Kingdom. Under His Lordship, others will be drawn by His cords of love into an everlasting relationship through the blood of Jesus. There is no greater reason for life than to lead others to their destiny of true love. Therefore, we live.

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...