
Showing posts from October, 2019

Marriage of the Sexes

God has created each and every one of us with a specific gender. We are created with the specific gender for a specific purpose. When we enter marriage, gender is of paramount importance. A woman looking, acting and being female is God's design. A man who looks, acts and embraces masculinity is also God's design. We are designed in a different way  physically for God's purposes and for our pleasure. Being male is for men and being female is for women. Embracing our separate roles can help our marriages to thrive.  Have you ever notice that the more feminine a woman is the more attractive to a real man she becomes? The same goes for men. When they are truly masculine women are attracted to them.  God made us to be magnets for one another; magnets that are hard to very separate from one another.  In marriage, we reach one of the major goals for why we were created. It says in the book of Genesis that one of our goals is to reproduce and to multiply (Genesi...