Monday, October 28, 2019

Marriage of the Sexes

God has created each and every one of us
with a specific gender. We are created with the specific gender for a specific purpose. When we enter marriage, gender is of paramount importance.

A woman looking, acting and being female is God's design. A man who looks, acts and embraces masculinity is also God's design.
We are designed in a different way  physically for God's purposes and for our pleasure. Being male is for men and being female is for women. Embracing our separate roles can help our marriages to thrive.

 Have you ever notice that the more feminine a woman is the more attractive to a real man she becomes? The same goes for men. When they are truly masculine women are attracted to them.  God made us to be magnets for one another; magnets that are hard to very separate from one another.

 In marriage, we reach one of the major goals for why we were created. It says in the book of Genesis that one of our goals is to reproduce and to multiply (Genesis 1:27,28, KJV). This refers to more than just physical procreation, but also to spiritual growth. Physically we manifest what we should also be doing spiritually.

 When a person is born again they become a new creature. We start in a baby phase if you will, and we have to grow up into maturity and reproducing other disciples. In the same way our physical bodies grow from infancy to adulthood into a state where we can reproduce and have children.

 Reproduction can only take place with a male and a female.  An egg and a sperm must unite in order for reproduction to take place as God designed it. An egg and a sperm have to be united in order for this to happen. It is natural.

 The supernatural happens when we fully embrace the gender that God has assigned us and we use it for His glory alone. In marriage, God only calls us to be exactly what He created us to be - either male or female. In this way we become a mirror of Christ and His Church to the world.

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.  This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church."
Ephesians 5:31‭-‬32 KJV

When we attempt to change our sex or to manipulate our gender identity, we rock the foundation of who we are and we minimize our potential in the Earth.

 Since marriage in The Bible is defined by one man and one woman in loving relationship which leads to procreation and recreation, we directly oppose God's design when we do anything otherwise.

Fully enjoy marriage. Fully enjoy sex. Fully be who God intended you to be!

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