Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reviewing Nine Books I Read in 2016

My goal for the year was to read 12 books in 2016. I have finished nine of them to date and want to share my reviews with you. I have made similar goals in the past and have yet to complete them 100%. However, my only competition is against myself, so I guess I earn the "Most Improved" award in this category.

My Favorite Book of all!!

I love non-fiction books and self-help. I read a lot from christian authors and I am an author myself. I have been told that better readers are better writers. Let's hope that is true! So with no further ado, here is my list:

1. Returning to Holiness by Gregory R. Frizzell

I started 2016 with fasting and prayer, personal repentance and what I like to call a Spiritual Retreat. I retreated away from family, social media and work to press into a time of refreshing from the Lord with this book. Needless to WRECKED m whole life! The soul-searching questions were just what I needed to plunge deep into the reasons behind my actions, my motivations and my fears. Everything in this book is completely biblically based. It was a scouring pad for my spiritual like and I believe that this will be an annual journey for me. This book is a resource now in my arsenal.

2. Living your God Inspired Purpose by Chari Twitty-Hawkins

This woman of God is right about one thing - your purpose must be inspired by God. Our plans and purposes fail unless they are rooted and built on a firm foundation. Just the title of this book had me captivated. God has given us dreams and desires, vision and hopes. Having them is one thing. Living them out is another. This is a short, quick power-packed read. Grab a copy for inspiration on your own purposeful journey.

3. Audacious by Beth Moore

This book is the third of a series of books written by Beth Moore. I actually listened to this one as an audio book because you can't just read Beth's books, you have to hear her country twang. It's a must! She tells the short version of her life story and weaves in scripture so seamlessly. Beth challenges us to have the nerve to trust God with our lives and watch him work it out. I was very encouraged and edified by this book.

4. The Seven Rings of Marriage: Your Model for a Lasting and Fulfilling Marriage by Jackie Bledsoe

This book has the makings of a classic for sure. I love word-play and Jackie so simply but beautifully defines the RINGS of marriage starting with the engagement ring. Marriage has its ups and downs and this book explains those phases in detail. It is the perfect book for newlyweds, especially for the husbands. I was able to read this book in advance as part of Jackie's launch team and it was a great experience. I highly recommend it.

5. You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis & Lisa Chan

I would have to say that this was the most unique of all the books that I have read this year. Written by husband and wife as co-authors, you could hear each chapter in their own "voice". Of all the marriage books that I have ever read, this was the most challenging to me. I actually learned some new things and was reminded that even marriage (although it is the most important human relationship) is still only temporary in light of eternity. This book will change your perspective about your spouse and make you appreciate them even more. I will have to read this one again.

6. Undaunted: Daring to do what God calls you to do by Christine Caine

Only Christine Caine could write a book that brings me to tears. Despite all odds and every obstacle imaginable, she shines for the Savior. You just have to read this one. It will move you emotionally and move you to action as well. Every label ever given to you is nothing compared to being "His". I loved it.

7. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

I just had to own this book. I knew it had to be a hard copy and not an ebook because it was by Priscilla Shirer - my hands-down favorite. Period. I tried to read through it quickly, but you just....can't. When you are practicing being serious and specific and strategic in prayer it takes careful intention. I really loved the cut-out cards in the back to use in my prayer war room. This is a sure-fire, must-have bestseller. This will stay on the bookshelf for sure.

8. 52 Weeks with Jesus by Dr. James Merritt

I bought this book on a whim at the airport on the way to a ministry event this year. I wanted to spend 52 weeks with Jesus, so I bought it and it did not disappoint! I literally went through one chapter each week with my Anointed Devotions group on periscope. Wow, did we glean so much from the scriptures shared in this book. James Merritt is a Pastor and his church went through this teaching as a group. I can imagine that it was a year to remember. I thoroughly enjoyed studying Jesus this year like never before.

9. A Walk in God's Garden by Evelyn Chapman Daniel

Such a big thanks to Patricia Komar for editing this beautiful book of poetry by Evelyn Daniel. Every single poem is inspiring and picturesque. I typically do not read poetry books, but this one drew me in. I will definitely be revisiting this lovely work. You can find an accompaniment of photos for this beautiful book of poetry here:


Well, that's my list. I have a huge list of books to get through still, but that will have to wait until 2017. I was busy making #9 on the Amazon bestsellers list for my own book "The Titus Ten"!! That was certainly a highlight for my year. All glory to God for such an amazing accomplishment! Pick up your copy right here.

What are you reading this year? I would love to know :)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Annual Marriage Accounting & Evaluation

It would not be strange to have an end-of-the-year job evaluation.  We are used to assessments in other areas of our lives,  but why should marriage any different? Let's score how well we did this year.

Using the Bible itself as a reference point, we can objectively grade ourselves and our marriages on performance as a spouse and as a couple.

First, let us set the benchmarks. Read Ephesians 5:21-32, KJV.

Husbands represent Christ. The goal is to be like Jesus. How is a guy supposed to meet that standard?! Well...the Bible doesn't say to BE Jesus, but to love LIKE Jesus. How have you loved this year?

Wives represent the Church. They are to follow after Christ & submit to Him. Rate your submission to your husband in areas where he is being Christ-like. Did you make it hard for him to love you this year?

Like a business that has to re-evaluate in the fourth quarter, we should take stock of how our marriages have grown. Did we yield a good return or did our marriage market crash? Are we getting good returns on our lifelong investment? Why or why not? What about your assets, your children?

Your marriage is your business.  So how is business going? 

Have you enlisted some new board members in the form of mentors to hold you accountable? How is the state of your union financially, spiritually,  sexually? Were you able to recover from any setbacks to your marriage this year?What are some of your "Wins"?

In marriage,  we have no competitors. Either we both walk

One of the most important questions is "How are you preparing for the future?". Every risk we take now in this marriage business will come back to bite us next year - for better or for worse.

So let's be couples that strategize, plan ahead, hold each other accountable and take ongoing evaluation to ensure longevity of our most prized relationship - our marriage!

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...