Friday, December 4, 2015

The Prince of Peace

The opposite of peace is war. There is much war in our world today. Countries are fighting. Races of people are fighting. There is fighting in marriages and homes. We even fight ourselves mentally. Where is the peace in this world? Does it even exist?

In Isaiah 9:6, it is prophesied that one would come who would be the Prince of Peace. One of the first attributes given to Jesus was by the angel and heavenly hosts when they exclaimed to the shepards:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men. Luke 2:14

With all the chaos, natural disasters, crime, violence and injustice the same Jesus brings peace to the world and to our hearts. As a matter of fact, we can experience a peace that surpasses our comprehension.

As a storm raged above Him, Jesus was resting quietly on a boat. Those with Him were freaking out and Jesus rebuked the winds and waves and calmed the sea. No matter what is happening in our world, from sea to shining sea, He is still our only hope and source of true peace.

There is also another prophecy to come. Jesus will come again to bring peace to the earth. The bible says that He will rule as divine royalty not just as a baby in a manger. All government, authorities and majesties will bow before Him not just as Prince, but as KING!

Here is today's scope:


Prince of Peace, come and rule in my heart today. Bring me to a place of rest and peace in the spirit. Calm my restless mind and my anxious heart. Come quickly to bring peace in this world's chaos in Jesus name I pray, Amen.


His royal highness wants you to live with a royal mindset. Stop thinking so lowly of yourself. Set higher goals. Reach further. Remember that you are a King's kid!

Thursday, December 3, 2015


For every disappointment in my life, God has given me a replacement. Negative words spoken over me have been replaced by the Word of God. Regrets from my past have been replaced by a glorious future. Even expectations from my husband have been replaced by quality time with the lover of my soul.

The enemy is crafty. He has a counterfeit, a mirage for every truth that God has given.

Instead of wondering what God's plans for you are, trust Him with what He has already revealed to you. Once we are transformed from this earthly kingdom to the heavenly kingdom we not only renew our minds, but replace our possessions. Think about this. Everything you own is now His. Every thought you think belongs to Christ. Every way you use your body is managing God's temple.

Now that we are saved, all things have become new - whether you acknowledge it or not. Some believe that salvation happens over time. According to my bible, the work of Jesus Christ is complete. That means that your new life began the very second you accepted a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. ALL old things have been replaced.

Live a replaced life.

There is a song that says that "I looked at my qhands and my hands looked new. I looked at my feet and my feet do too". If your view of life is the same as before you accepted Christ, then I wonder if you are really in the faith.

A change in the spiritual is a replacement in the natural. No change in the spiritual = normal life.
People tell me that they want to me mentored. They want to grow in their spiritual life. However, spiritual growth happens not from natural people, but from a supernatural God. You don't need another class, another teacher, another conference. You need to become a student of the Holy Spirit. Replace the things of the world with the things of God.

We walk by faith and not by sight. Ask for holy eyes with holy sight instead. Replace what you see with what you know that God has said. It is already finished. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

No Other Savior!

Once I took my boys swimming at a friend's house. We were having a great time until one of my sons decided to go down "the big slide". This boy had no swimming lessons and yet he took the plunge just trusting that he would be ok. He went down and did not come up. We could not find him....

My heart sank. I was the worst mother on planet earth. My husband would never forgive me. Would I go to hell? Perhaps you know this feeling. You want to vomit. It was the scariest 5 seconds of my life...until he was saved by my friend who dove down and rescued my baby. He was SAVED!!

Any person who has ever been rescued knows the feeling of gratitiude to their Saviour. The bible tells us that we are drowning in sin of our own choosing. We trust the things of this world more than the One who made it. God, in His incredible mercy has provided our salvation in Jesus Christ - the ONLY Saviour who took on death for us so we could live. We can be SAVED!!

Watch today's scope here:


God, I receive your salvation in full. Thank you for saving me from myself, sin, death and hell. When nothing else could help, Your love lifted me and I am grateful. Thank you Jesus for being my Saviour. It is in Your name that we pray, Amen.


Now that you are saved, who can you identify that needs to be saved around you? Start praying about how God wants you to share the gift of salvation with them as well.

Know the Great "I AM"!

We usually think of the Great I AM in reference to Moses at the Burning Bush in the bible, however, today I want you to consider that the I AM was here on earth way before the time of Moses or Abraham or Adam. Saying I AM is a current tense of speech but the truth is that Jesus was, is and is to come.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago, He became God in the flesh. He revealed Himself as the first and only divine and human person. It was so miraculous. There was no burning bush involved, but boy did He light up the world.

Now He is able to be more, do more than any other person who has ever lived! He can be whatever you need Him to be whenever you need Him. Due to the fact that He lived, died and rose again, He has become salvation for whoever will receive Him. He is a Spirit who existed before time and will remain for all time, even when time is no more. It's amazing to grasp that idea, but we don't need to understand. We need only to believe!

Here is today's scope:


God, You are the Great I AM! No one compares to you and there will never be another like you. Help our finite minds to simply trust you. As you were with Moses, be with us, forever. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!


Knowing who God is demands our faith in Him, our reverence and our obedience. Ask the Lord how you can serve Him today. Don't be surprised if the job feels bigger than your capabilities. Remember Moses!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Shepards went to see THE Shepard!

The shepards were watching their sheep by night when.....behold, they saw a brightness in the night sky. It was a very important announcement! Jesus had been born and was laying in a manger. Angels showed up and encouraged the shepards to see where the baby boy was laying. What a remarkable sight it was!

Did the sheep follow their shepards to the manger or do you think they left them behind? No good shepard leaves their sheep alone. These were rough-necks, the fighters and protectors of their flock. Do you think that because the sheep followed their Shepards they were privileged above over animals to be among the first to meet Jesus?

For every leader there are lessons here. Someone needs to be able to follow you to Jesus. It was nighttime and dark, yet the Shepards were watching the flock. They might have missed this amazing event if they had been sleeping. In John 10, Jesus calls Himself "The Shepard of the sheep". In Psalm 23, we see that the Shepard neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is always paying attention and protecting the sheep. You may not think of yourself as a leader, but if you are a boss, a parent or an entrepreneur you are leading others. Who are you pointing them to?

For every follower of the Shepard there is another lesson. The sheep ONLY hear the voice of their own Shepard and another they will not follow. They trust Him for direction. Trust the Shepard of your soul this Christmas. He knows the road that you take and He will guide you every step of the way!

Here is my scope for today:


Lord, be my Shepard. Let me lean and depend on You not people. Teach me to hear Your voice clearly and not follow another. Give me discernment even in the night seasons of my life. Thank you for the leaders in my life that point me to Jesus, make me one of them! Amen


Think about how to point someone to Jesus this season, then ask for The Good Shepard to guide you and DO IT!

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...