Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Armed and Disarmed (Spoiled)

Today many people are armed with cash, checks and credit cards, ready to spend in preparation for any reason and every season. Even though they have plenty at home, the newest and the best is out and ready for purchase. Those who can afford it will get it all - the spoils of their labor.

Well, the Lord showed me something interesting about being spoiled. Itis actually a military term as well that brought some scriptures to new light.

The phrase "the arm of the Lord" appears multiple times throughout the Bible. It refers to strength and one who fights for the Lord (bears arms). It is most often referring to the coming Messiah, Jesus Himself. We see this theme throughout the book of Isaiah 51:9, 52:10, 53:1, 54, 59:1. Jesus is the arm of the Lord. He bore our iniquities. Although we are instructed to take up arms (Ephesians 6), our enemy has already been defeated. My Bible tells me in Colossians 2:13-15 that Jesus "spoiled" the evil principalities that were against us when we died on the cross and rose again!

Our heritage as children of the King is victory by birthright.

No weapon formed against us prospers. Jesus made the greatest interception of all time! Think of it this way. There are those who are chosen to be on God's team, go to practice, hang in the locker room and even wear the jersey, but the sit on the sidelines for the whole game while Jesus takes to the field and scores an interception that leads to victory for ALL of us. We get the spoils of our hero, the title and the accolades that we technically did not earn at all! God takes it a step further and actually present us with a MVP award called "joint-heirs with Christ". Wow! What did we do to deserve this? Nothing actually. His strong arm has gotten the victory for us.

Remember David and Goliath? We see this story in 1 Samuel 17:32-50. The youngest, non-military brother of a family gets bold for God and stand us against an enemy that he cannot defeat. Most of us know how this story goes, but I noticed in verse 47 & 50 that David had no armor, no sword. In other words, he was "unarmed" but managed to "disarm" or spoil the Philistine. He defeated him and took his armor. His faith in God's ability to work through him overcomes the inevitable defeat. Not only that, but something unique happens. The King takes him home and the King's son disrobes himself and gives his royal attire and weapontry to David. This was a picture of what was happening spiritually. David took an anointed and appointed position before it was his to claim. Transfer was taking place. What a picture of what Christ does for us!

Jesus is our armor-bearer.

In love, Jesus took our punishment for sin, defeated the enemy for us and bore the unbearable for us. We in turn, receive the spoils of war - food we did not plant, children we did not bear, blessings we did not earn from our own merit. God's children are spoiled! Even the wealth of the wicked is laid up for us and heavenly riches besides.

What if you were told that you had worked hard and could rest and relax on the day after Thanksgiving then awake to see that shopping had been done for you? Presents awaiting you at breakfast and and everything that was ever taken from you or that you were told you could not have was now yours? Your neighbors would say that you were "So Spoiled"! That's right. All the work was done for you and is yours to enjoy.

In 1 Samuel 30, that is exactly what happened. Half of David's army was tired from war and couldn't fight. The enemy had the advantage and stole everything from them. So the other half went and recovered everything plus spoils (extra) and brought it back. Instead of only half of the army getting the spoils, David had every man share equally, even those who did not fight at all! They were armed but received the spoils of a battle in which they did not fight.

How thankful and grateful we should be as children of such a generous God! His arm has gotten the victory for us!

See my hubby's bible summary on I Samuel 

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