That word brings many emotions with it. It scares some people who are not ready and excites some who are looking forward to an anniversary. It brings mixed memories to those who may be divorced and anxiety to the singles who are still looking, waiting and wishing.
I have learned a few things as a wife that I want to share with you today.
Marriage is a gift.
The very idea of marriage between a man and a woman comes from God. The earth was formed from nothing and is sustained by the Creator. He gives it to man as a gift and the woman is a gift to man from God. Marriage is the covenant relationship that replaces man's aloneness with a relationship that God calls "Good". So since it is a gift, we ought to thank God for it. How? By enjoying it, making the most out of it and using it to glorify Him every day.
Marriage is a journey.
Most people are aware that most marriages start in one place and end up somewhere else.They start happy and full of expectation for the path ahead. But then life happens and we realize that marriage is not always a vacation, but an adventure with highs and lows - a journey. It reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia. We embark on a quest that is fun and exciting only to realize that a lot of work is involved. We learn our strengths and weaknessess. We learn humility, dependence, patience and love.
Marriage is a commitment.
Contrary to popular belief, marriage is for life. It is the most significant relationship one can ever have. If you are not committed, you will never understand its richness. Everyone longs for a best friend, a confidante, mentor, playmate and lover. That is a spouse all rolled up together!
Marriage is not for you.
Marriage is not for me, myself and I. It is not for you either unless you learn that it is for both. It is for us. It is for life. It is til death do us part.