Transcendence *spoiler alert*
Maurice and I watched this movie about a week ago. It was a very interesting and intriguing story. A very decorated Doctor of science and his wife devise a way to "download his intelligence" into a computer since he is dying. It works, and then spirals into an all-encompassing, limitless base of knowledge and understanding once he is connected to the internet - the largest base of knowledge and information known to man besides God. In fact, he is compared to God in the movie. So let's say that the doctor represents Jesus here. He is a normal guy to everyone except for his genius intellect. There were those who opposed his ideas and thought he was rather radical. He even compared the possibility of his ideas to being god-like. This disturbed people. Even though he was respected, he also became feared in this movie. Once people knew he was dead, they figured that the threat was over. But, they was a small sect of people who knew that he was still alive but in a d...