Wise Dating
The Bible can be used as a guideline £or dating, because wisdom comes £rom God. God included wisdom in the Bible and we are to live by every word o£ God. (Eph. 5:15-17) The £ollowing dating guideline is a paraphrase o£ something I heard over a decade ago and is the best approach to dating in every situation for everyone involved. There are four levels of a wise dating relationship: LEVEL ONE Platonic friends: Dating and making a point of having various CHRISTIAN £riends of the opposite sex. Guarding your a££ections (giving equal time to each friend, and not being totally alone with your date) have RECIPROCAL friendships. It is very important to, regardless o£ how much you like someone, be honest with yoursel£ and remain platonic friends £or a minimum of (I believe) six months. 1 Cor. 6:14-18. Amos 3:3, Song 8:4, Prov. 4:23, 18:13. 2 Tim. 3:5-7, Matt. 7:20-21 LEVEL TWO PIatonic special £riends ("boyfriend and girlfriend", or best friends...