Monday, August 26, 2013

Same God Right Now!

Sometimes I am tempted to doubt that God will deliver. Maybe this blessing isn't for me. Perhaps I read God wrong. We know that God has a good plan for our success and our future but like Moses and the Israelites, we are doubtful and verly concerned about, well....stuff.

For example,  I was very concerned about finishing my degree. I didn't have the money by the deadline. Period. Point blank. I cannot finish my degree if I don't pay the school. God? What's the plan?

In another instance, my married friend was troubled with her marriage.  I prayed for her but, again like Moses, the situation only got worse. What now God?

Lastly, I am trying to minister for the Lord as He has instructed, but my resources are limited and the help is not coming. God, where is the supply for my need? Is this really what you want me to do?

After reading Exodus 6 & 7, I am encouraged. Not only do I know the end of this story but I can relate to the children of Israel who doubt their deliverance and to Moses who doubts his leadership capabilities.

It is hard to hear God's covenant promises when we are in any form of bondage, but because we do hsve a covenant relationship with Him, we can trust His word! God will never fail us. The Israrlites were doubtful and Moses fearful and so was I. Moses knew he was inadequate but God allowed him an explanation of His divine plan. Sometimes it's hard to believe even when God is doing just what He said and the plan is unfolding.

So, it turns out that I received the money for school after the deadline because God's timing is not man's timing. I'm still on track to finish. God literally made a way out of no way!

My friend's marriage is also on the mend now. He actually apologized!! Now you know that's God to move on a man's heart that way!

Finally, nothing less than a miracle has happened and the Lord is busy opening several doors for my ministry and is meeting the supply and above what we have asked. Won't He do it??!!

(Insert shouting music here)

God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or think. He us able to turn the tables in our favor! Even after I completed writing this blogpost, I was sure I erased it by mistake,  but it popped back up on my screen!! People listen, God. Will. Do. It!!

Be encouraged today about that seemingly hopeless problem, situation, money issue or relationship. I am here to let you know that I serve the same God is Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses! Same God right now, same God back then!

Lord, increase the faith of my subscribers and readers of this blog. You can and will do the impossible for us just as you have in the past. We will praise you in sdvance for open doors, miracles, success and favor in our lives, careers, ministry and homes. Hallelujah! There is none like You!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Who wears the pants?

So you may not know this about me, but I prefer to wear dresses and skirts most times. I am not necessarily convicted when I wear pants but I am free to chose. I chose to look and feel feminine, like a lady. I also notice that most men in my life (three in particular) prefer it too. I'm treated like a lady when I look, speak and act like one. It's true! 

The same goes for my marriage. When I attempt to assert myself in a manly, authoritative manner I get nowhere. When I try to do manly things (fix my own car, play rough with my boys) I don't get far. I even get hurt! Now don't get me wrong. Women do many things and wear many hats, but being a married woman - you shoudn't have to. God instructs us to help not to tell our men to "get out of the way because I can do it better". However, many women are raised to dominate their men, to take control if you want it done right. You wear the pants, make the money, run the business and the vacuum. 

We live in a single parent mindset society. Women certainly can do it all but God did not design us to. God did not tell you to be superwoman. He says that our role is to help. I ask God how to help and where to back off. We were not created to do it all. I let Maurice be the leader that he desires and was created to be. Why should your boss get more respect than your man? How come the things your hubby ask help with are still undone? If you are "the man of the house" your husband never will be.

You see, we are children of light. Women of God are supposed to be different, peculiar even, as compared to those who are conformed to the world's standards. If your wifely role at home blends into society's televised drama, I'm not surprised that your marriage is taking the hit. The bible emphasizes meekness for women. Meekness is not a doormat or a know-it-all. It is a character trait that displays gentleness, softness, submission and humility. That is what a woman with Tru-Image Wifestyle looks like. Wives were made to compliment their husbands masculinity. So let him wear the pants! Take a deep breath. Relax and prioritize then work your wifestyle!

Birthday dress :)

Anniversary on the greens :)

Church Hawaiian picnic :)

Galatians 5:22,23, II Timothy 2:24, 25, I Peter 3:4

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Covenant Seedtime & Harvest

In John 4, I see three kinds of workers in God's field.

In John 4:1-3, there are followers who are looking for the Christ. These are John and his disciples. They are sowers in the field.

Secondly,  in John 4:39-42 there are those who believe, follow and testify of Jesus the Christ. They are reapers.  People believe because of their testimony. This includes Jesus disciples and the Samaritan woman.

Thirdly are reapers who believe Jesus and go win others although Jesus is not with them. This was the royal official whose son was ill.

I believe that God is calling all wirkers to work the harvest NOW and in this season! It is ready.

Now, look at this!

Yesterday I did my vlog about covenants.  You may want to review the vlog and notes in my previous blog. On the same day my two sisters also gave that Word. I will post links for you soon!

This morning,  the Lord showed me even more about the covenant. Read Genesis 17&18. You will see the contrasting stories of two brothers Abraham & Lot. Abraham had made a covenant with God and the Lord told him that his seed would be blessed. His faith and obedience to go where God told him gave him a blessed inheritance. Lot, however did not have faith. We know this because he lied to protect his blessings. He said that his daughters were virgins when they were married. Abraham's seed of faith (covenant sacrifice) gives him a blessed seed - Isaac. Lot's faithless seed (two broken marriage covenants) reaps ungodly seed by his own two daughters that he lied about before.

How important is it that we keep our covenant vows to God? Very. We reap what we sow. Always!

Jesus is not with us in the flesh. He has gone to prepare a place for us. He will FOREVER keep His covenant of blood with us, but our tru-image wifestyle tells others who we belong to. The seed we plant is the seed we reap.

There are many laborers in God's field. Let's all work while it is day, for night comes when no man can work.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tru-Image Wifestyle - August 2013

Vows, Contracts and Covenants - Parts I & II

Tru-Image Wifestyle study

Tru Image Wifestyle - defined as a wife who stays true to the original design of God for her as a submitted helper to her husband, whose marriage reflects Christ & His church.

Differences between vows, contracts and covenants

Vow - solemn promise, oath, earnest pledge or commitment  (noun & verb)

Contract - written or spoken agreement enforceable by law, a treaty or pact

Covenant - a binding legal agreement, a law, a promise

Traditional Wedding Vows

As God is my witness - defines vow as covenant

I take you - Genesis 2:24 (leave & cleave)

To be my lawfully wedded husband - only severed legally

To have and to hold - indicates future sexual covenant

From this day forward - instituted immediately

For better or for worse - nature of relationship not based on circumstances

In sickness and in health - not based on illness

To love and to cherish - commitment of mind and heart

Til death do us part - eternal

Tru-Image Wifestyle - adornment

Isaiah 61:10

Colossians 3:12-25

I Peter 3:1-7

Revelation 21:1-3

Jeremiah 31: 1-4, 31-34

John 1:12,13

Put on salvation and righteousness

1. God created & marriage because He loves us. Also to eliminate lonelines, for multiplication and ultimately for His glory to show us a small portion of what complete relationship with Him is like. John 3:16

2. Sin is always the reason for shame, fear, blame, controlling behaviors & guilt in marriage - Garden of Eden Romans 3:23; 6:23

3. Marriage is sacrifice by definition. Complete don’t compete. All things should be done out of love. Inviting Jesus into our relationships is the only way we will learn to love & respect each other. Romans 5:8

4. Receive Christ and receive your husband as God’s gift to you. We accept our wifestyle by faith just how we receive salvation. It is an act of our will and a transformed mind and heart.

Please leave comments or questions below! God bless you!

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Heart of It

This past Sunday there was no post. Why? I was "under the weather". We actually had great weather, but I could not experience it due to a bug that has me dizzy, nauseated and having body aches. I went to the urgent care center to identify the source of my illness. Unfortunately, I was sent home with a drug for only one of my symptoms. No cure. No answers as far as cause, just medicine to prevent one of my symptoms. I took the antivert for my dizziness and found that I could not fully awake the next morning. Anyone who knows me even a little knows that I am an early bird. I get up before my family to put God first so He can order my day. But, I could not even bring myself to open my eyes or move my body. I later (after waking up fully) realized that the medication has a side effect - drowsiness, as they say. It's more like semi-coma-ness for me. So the answer to my problem only gave me another problem or did it?

This is how life is when we are not fully committed to the One who gives us purpose. We are all sick and in need of the Great Physician's care (see the Dialysis Gospel blogpost). When we come to him, we expect a cure not a band-aid. What I have come too realize however, is that like any GOOD doctor does not look at what we look at. He searches for the source of the ailment. We are usually diagnosed with something that was preventable, not sick from what we think. Usually, it is what is inside that affects the outside. Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 15.

10 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: 11 kNot that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? 13 But he answered and said,lEvery plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. 14 Let them alone: mthey be blind leaders of the blind. And nif the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 15 Then answered oPeter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. 16 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? 17 pDo not ye yet understand, thatqwhatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? 18 But rthose things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile sthe man. 19 For tout of the heart proceed uevil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat xwith unwashen hands defileth not a man.

Our hearts are defiled. This is the root of sickness and sin. That attitude, that unforgiveness, those lies...these are symptoms that point to the heart.

So by putting me on a medication to treat one of my symptoms, its side effect resolved my need for rest (because it put me to sleep). Sleep increases the function of the immune system thereby helping my body to fight against infections that can cause symptoms like dizziness, nausea and body aches. Sometimes, I get too busy and stressed and the Lord uses illness (among other things) to get my attention and to keep me centered on what is most important.

Has God ever answered your question with a question? I know what the answer will always be - "For my Glory". Why is my husband like that? - To test you, for my glory. How come I cannot overcome this issue? - For a testimony, for my glory. Why won't you heal me? - So you can comfort others, for my glory.

It is for your glory alone Lord that I live my life. As I lay here and rest in your loving care, I will trust you with all my heart <3

Mentoring in Marriage: A Legacy of Love

As we step into the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our marriages can impact not only our own lives but also those around...