Same God Right Now!
Sometimes I am tempted to doubt that God will deliver. Maybe this blessing isn't for me. Perhaps I read God wrong. We know that God has a good plan for our success and our future but like Moses and the Israelites, we are doubtful and verly concerned about, well....stuff. For example, I was very concerned about finishing my degree. I didn't have the money by the deadline. Period. Point blank. I cannot finish my degree if I don't pay the school. God? What's the plan? In another instance, my married friend was troubled with her marriage. I prayed for her but, again like Moses, the situation only got worse. What now God? Lastly, I am trying to minister for the Lord as He has instructed, but my resources are limited and the help is not coming. God, where is the supply for my need? Is this really what you want me to do? After reading Exodus 6 & 7, I am encouraged. Not only do I know the end of this story but I can relate to the children of Israel who doubt their del...